How to sync with your daily biological clock to live longer?

Longevity principle #1

alex pustov
13 min readFeb 1, 2020


This article is based on my research of information from publicly available sources and my personal experience. The information, opinions, and references provided in this article are for informational purposes only. This article is not a medical advise and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe for any illness or condition. Please consult your doctor or healthcare provider for your specific diagnosis and treatment.

Longevity principles series

This is the 3rd article in the Longevity Principle series. In this article, we deep-dive into Longevity principle #1 looking at the what, the why, and the how of sync with your daily clock to live longer:

  • The “What”: what we want for longevity
  • The “Why”: what is often wrong and why this happens
  • The “How”: what you could practically do and how it minimizes aging

TL;DR: summary…



alex pustov

I research, self-experiment, and write about longevity and health |