Low-dose lithium — a life-long partner in longevity journey

alex pustov
7 min readApr 26, 2021

Disclaimer — not medical advise

This article is based on my research of information from publicly available sources and my personal experience. The information, opinions, and references provided in this article are for informational purposes only. This article does not endorse any products. This article is not a medical advise and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe for any illness or condition. Under no circumstances should you attempt self-diagnosis or treatment based on anything you have seen or read in this article. Please consult your doctor or healthcare provider for your specific diagnosis and treatment.

Why should you be excited about lithium?

It is well documented that lithium can promote significant lifespan increase in different species, for example, a 46% median lifespan increase in worms, a 16% median lifespan increase in flies, and yeast. As a skeptic, you should rightly ask — will these results translate to humans?

Well, in the past 10 years, several important studies on lithium came out. For example, two studies looked at large cohorts of population (in Japan [2011] and Texas [2018]) and found that trace amounts of lithium in drinking water are associated with a lower all-cause mortality after adjustment for suicide mortality (which is decreased by lithium as shown by many studies across the world — more details below in this article) and socioeconomic status…



alex pustov

I research, self-experiment, and write about longevity and health | touchedwithaging.com